Sunday Newsletter


Did you feel the Spirit during our Sacrament Meeting? With the beautiful music and the words of truth from our speakers, it was truly a message of Gladness to rejoice in Christ.  Thank you to all of those that participated! Thank you to the Primary Children that sing with such enthusiasm and love, to Rachael Felton for not only the words from her heart but the music that flowed from her violin, accompanied by sign language and solo from her mom, Tina with “What Child is This”. Thank you Brother and Sister Vogel.

Relief Society Lesson

Our Lesson today was the talk from October 2013 Conference, Put Your Trust in the Lord by Elder Ballard. We discussed the two basic reasons we as members do not share the Gospel:

The first one is fear. Many members do not even pray for opportunities to share the gospel, fearing that they might receive diving promptings to do something they think they are not capable of doing.

The second reason is misunderstanding of what missionary work is. 

I highlighted my aha moment of the lesson.  How many times have we been asked to be member missionaries, and how many times have I ignored this call because it made me feel uncomfortable with all of the “What Ifs”?  Putting our trust in the Lord will allow us freedom a we exercise our agency because we will be given the words to say.  An easy way to share the Gospel is to act with kindness, compassion and live our religion, but if others do not know what we believe or who we are, that message is not often effective.  Pippin mentioned surprise that someone she had worked with for a long time finally put it together and asked if she were Mormon and I thought back to a place I worked at for 8 years and I am not sure they know that I am Mormon. I am happy to say that I have corrected that at my current place, yet I am surprised when I am asked if I would like coffee or tea, because I think they should just know that—but this does give me a perfect opportunity to open my mouth and share my beliefs.

elder ballard-trust in the lord

Stake Presidency Challenge

We have been asked by our Stake President, President Smith to as the questions, Would you be willing to listen to a brief message about (You fill in the blank) by two wonderful, young, (use other words to describe our missionaries) __________________?  They asked us to do that before the new year and Elder Ballard asked that we do it before Christmas–I have a little bit of work left to do!

Hastening the Work

Pippin suggested we go to the Hastening the Work website–Use it!  I did enjoy the brief video on using social media to spread the Gospel.

Facebook Page

Speaking of social media, I hope everyone is a friend of Facebook to the Rowlett 2nd Ward Relief Society page. Carolina does a great job of posting different pictures, videos, the weekly newsletter and other interesting stuff–like us on Facebook!

Christmas Around the Corner

Christmas is almost here–my tree is up and actually decorated–took me all week.  Now I am working on my Creches–one step at a time.  The good news is I did do my Christmas letter and actually did Christmas cards last night–I didn’t do them last year so I am having to make up for lost time.  I did enjoy this presentation from as I was working on my Christmas cards–I hope you enjoy it too.

National Days Of:

*National Haiku Poetry Day: 22
*Festivus: 23
*Christmas Eve: 24
*A’Phabet Day or No “L” Day : 25
*Christmas: 25
*Boxing Day: 26 (Canada)
*National Candy Cane Day: 26
*National Thank-you Note Day: 26
*National Whiner’s Day: 26

*National Chocolate Day: 28 & 29

*Pledge of Allegiance Day: 28
I  am so happy to see chocolate gets two days! Yes. I also notice that today is National Haiku Day–I will see if my creative juices will create a Relief Society Haiku–I’ll send it to you if I get it finished–but first I have to go to Wikipedia to remember how it’s created.
I hope everyone has a special week. Please let us know if you know of any need or need us yourselves.
Love, Cheryl


Sunday Newlsetter


As we close this wonderful Sunday, I count my blessings that we were able to meet together, be uplifted and visit with friends.  I am very happy the weather did not keep us in!

Sacrament Meeting

Thank you Carly and Kevin Massey for the talks on Families and teaching families.  It is very much our responsibility to ensure our families are taught the Gospel and raised in such a way they can teach their families and all they come in contact with.  And thank you Rachael Elison for the beautiful rendition of “What Child is This”.

Relief Society Lesson

Barbara, once again you have allowed the lesson to be delivered with the spirit and everyone’s participation. President Snow’s quote;“Cultivate a spirit of charity; be ready to do for others more than you would expect from them if circumstances were reversed.” is an example of the Relief Society motto “Charity Never Faileth”.  We cannot be defeated if our mission is charity to our fellow-man.  The highlights of the lesson come from the section headings, i.e.; We are children of the same Heavenly Father, and we have been sent into the world to do good to one another. Our happiness increases when we help others find happiness. When we look first to the interests of others, we improve more rapidly ourselves.

If you didn’t have an opportunity to review lesson 22, take a few minutes to do so.  The message is wonderful for this time of year.

Next Week’s Relief Society Lesson

Next weeks lesson will be lesson #24 is attached for review.

the christmas spirit monson

Ward Christmas Party

Don’t forget the ward Christmas Party on Saturday, December 14th from 6-8 PM.  We will have dinner, a special program, and I hear we will be visited from our Northpole Neighbor!  Please invite your visiting teaching sisters and their families.  The menu is:

Ham & rolls–provided by the ward–I still need some volunteers to help warm up the hams! Please call or email me.

Last name A-E: Potato Dishes–such as the famous Mormon funeral potatoes, etc.

Last name F-M: Salads–Green Jell-O, Tossed salad, etc

Last name N-Z: Desserts–(no description needed)

Please make the dishes big enough to feed about 10 people.

Texas Winter Weather

I hope everyone has heat–I know there have been some families that the power had not come back on–If you know of anyone or anyone needs help please let us know. The weather is warming up after our mini-Winter, the ice made travel a little tricky–I had forgotten what ice does to trees–I hope everyone did not lose too many trees or bushes.  I am hoping that my little oak becomes an oak again and does not stay a weeping oak–very sad-looking.

This Week’s Wacky Holidays

This week has a few wacky holidays–Christmas Card Day is tomorrow as is Pastry Day.  Poinsettia is Dec 12th and Ice Cream Day the 13th (really!).  Violin Day is also the 13th.

Christmas Devotional

Listening to President Monson right now talks about “Finding the Real Joy in Christmas”.  “Giving not getting brings the full bloom of the Christmas Spirit”.  I hope everyone had a chance or has a chance to listen to the First Presidency Message.  We are so blessed to be able to have immediate repeats of the program online.  We stay so busy during the month of December with school programs, work parties, family gatherings, ward parties and so on, it is easy to wrap ourselves in the non-important parts and not have time to finish the wrapping with the Joy of Christmas–the Spirit of Christ.

Visting Teaching/Email List

As you do your visit teaching this month, please ask your sisters if they receive emails from Relief Society and if they would like to–get their email address and send it to me.  The purpose of the newsletter is to keep everyone informed with what is going on in RS and we would love to be able to send everyone a note.  Thank you for doing this!  ou can promise them they will not receive any chain letter emails, asking them to send an email to their 100 best friends or else!  And speaking of emails–if you do not want to be part of this list just let me know and I will take you off.

Spirit of Christmas

I found this on–it can add to keeping the Spirit of Christ is Christmas and is a great missionary tool.

I hope everyone has a safe and warm week and we see each other on Saturday at the ward party.

Please let me know if there is anything we can do.

Love, Cheryl

Sunday Newsletter

Dear Sisters,

It’s already December–It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  The wreath is on my door so I guess my Christmas decorations are up?  Having Thanksgiving so late really puts pressure on getting ready for Christmas!  But we have so many good things to look forward too.

Relief Society Christmas Progressive Dinner

RS Christmas Dinner Invite

First, Relief society Christmas Dinner is Thursday, December 5th.  We will start at 6PM and have a progressive dinner starting at:

Kim Tilton’s for appetizers—813 Blazing Star Garland, Texas 75043

Then it’s off to Kim’s Mom–Lynette Farar for the main course–4502 Horizon Dr Garland, Texas 75043

And finally for desserts at Bishop’s and Melanie McCauley’s house–5201 Lake Forest Rowlett, TX  75088

If you need a ride or better directions please give me a call!  Kim and the Activity Committee have planned a special  night of music, message, and food.

Today’s Relief Society Lesson

Kim Tilton gave a very spiritual lesson on becoming more Christ Like.  We discussed three characteristics that we should emulate:

Compassion, Obedience & Forgiveness

There were some very tender testimonies borne about these three Christ attributes.  Kim closed the lesson by playing a beautiful rendition of “His Image in Your Countenance”. Thank you for the comments and thoughts and especially the spirit that was felt.


We welcomed a new sisters today, Natalia Espinoza and we had visitors from Waxahachie and of course Sister Jackman was visiting her son Steve and their family.  Wonderful having a full Relief Society Room.

The Holiday Season

Sisters as we go into December and get caught up in the holiday frenzy, let us remember to keep Christ in our Christmas.  I have linked a Mormon Message that is good for the entire family and remind us what Christmas is truly about.

Visiting Teaching

There were a few minor changes made to Visit Teaching Routes today.  We have been blessed with many move-ins and saddened to have family move-outs–which means routes are changed.  Kim, Lee, Carolina, and I would like for every sister to have some type of contact this month.  A visit would be great, but we know some sisters do not want visits are on letter routes.  Please make an effort to complete all of your Visit Teaching by visiting, calling or writing letters.  Our ward has  many sisters that are faced with constant challenges, whether it be their health, family, or work.  The Visit Teaching Program is designed to help relieve some of these challenges by being a friend and a resource to our sisters.  I appreciate all that you do and I know our sisters also appreciate this.  If you have any questions about your companion or your sisters please give me a call.  Leah Ketchum our Visiting Teaching Coordinator has been working on the online reporting tool and will send out instructions on how to access it.–I have attached the December Visiting Teaching Message.

Dec 2013 Visiting Teaching Message

Other Calendar Items:

December 8th– is the First Presidency Message at 7 PM–this will be broadcast at the Heath Stake and is on BYU channel also. You can also click here for more information and to find out where you can watch it online as well.

December 14th– 6-8 PM is the ward Christmas Party.  Food sign-ups are by alphabet;  A-E potato Dishes, F-M Salads and N-Z Desserts.  I also will need 5 volunteers to warm up the hams.  There are sign-ups in the binders, but if you do not see the binders, please let me know what you would like to do. Also, Frances McGrath is coordinating the program and if you have a musical number to share please contact her.

The Stake Christmas Concert was AWESOME.  Thank you to everyone that participated–It was a great way to start December.

Here is a list of some funny National Days of:

December 1 is …National Pie Day and Eat A Red Apple Day
December 2 is …National Fritters Day
December 3 is …National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day
December 4 is …Wear Brown Shoes Day
December 5 is …National Sacher Torte Day–I know what I am bringing for Dessert to the RS Dinner!
December 6 is …National Gazpacho Day and Mitten Tree Day
December 7 is …National Cotton Candy Day

Thank you sisters for all that you do everyday.  Your many acts of quiet service overwhelm me–you are wonderful!  I hope to see all of you at the dinner on Thursday –it is always lots of fun.  The weather may be a little rainy but no freeze.

Please let me know if I can do anything for y’all.

Love, Cheryl

Sunday Newsletter


Welcome to our Winter!  Weather forecasters never get it right–still no ice or sleet–we will see what tomorrow brings.  If they cancel school tomorrow it would make sense to just cancel for the whole week since I think Tuesday is a partial day.

It was wonderful to hear from the Sloan’s today and appreciate their testimonies regarding family history and temple work.  Both had some poignant moments in their talk expressing gratitude for ancestors and choice times in the temple.  Thank you for allowing us to feel the spirit in your talk.

Today’s Relief Society Lesson

I appreciate everyone’s help in the lesson today for Elder Bednar’s October 2013 Conference talk on the “Windows of Heaven“.  When I first heard the talk his simple but subtle blessings resonated with me and especially his reminder that the feeling of gratitude is such a blessing for all of us. It was a wonderful talk on tithing, the blessings of tithing and the blessings of being financially sound.  The December Conference Talk is “Put Your Trust in Lord” from Elder M. Russell Ballard.

spiritual illumination and perspective

President Uchtdorf SLC Rotary Club Talk

President Uchtdorf spoke to the Salt Lake City Rotarian Club last week and I have attached his talk for your study.  Great words as we are preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving this next week.


Speaking of Thanksgiving several families are joining together at the church at 2PM to celebrate Thanksgiving and share dinner and some fun and games.  Heather Smith is “hosting” the event with her family and would love for as many people to join in.  Please let her know by tomorrow evening if you would like to join this group. The Booth Family did this last year and everyone said it was a great time.


We have two new families move-in this past week. Rachael and Troy Elison with their 6 children have moved here from Victoria, Texas and Frances and Mike McGrath have moved here from Utah–they are empty nesters with family spread around.

Both families are great additions to our ward family!

Dates to Remember

Thursday, November 28: Dinner at church at 2PM—please let Heather know if you are interested.

Sunday, December 1st (that’s next Sunday!): at 7PM is the Stake Christmas Concert.  We have been asked to bring some cookies to share so please let me know if you would like to do so–Thank you Amy Milstead for your offer!

Thursday, December 5th: 7PM is the Relief Society Christmas Party.  It will be a Progressive Dinner starting at Lynette Farar’s house for appetizers, Penny Elwoods’ for dinner and Adrienne Burgers for dessert.  We will send out an invitation and addresses next Sunday.  The dinner and program planned will help set your mood for Christmas.  Please plan on joining us!  And if you need a ride let me know so we can all get together.

Saturday, December 14th: 6PM is the Ward Christmas Party–more details will be coming!

Closing Thoughts

Congratulations to Lee Hervey with Grandchild #6.  Julia gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Friday in College Station–pretty sure they have a future Aggie!

Speaking of Gratitude I have enjoyed the Facebook postings that many of you have done on Gratitude for the month of November. I count each one of you and your families as a tremendous blessing in my life and am so thankful for the love that you demonstrate each day. I am humbled by all of your Service that you give so willingly and without though of recompense. I am blessed to serve with Lee, Kim and Carolina and want you to know of the awesomeness of these women!  Thank you all!

Here is a list of the funny days for the rest of November:

November 25 is … National Parfait Day
November 26 is … Shopping Reminder Day
November 27 is … Pins And Needles Day
November 29 is … Square Dance Day
November 30 is … Stay At Home Because You’re Well Day

We only have 30 days until Christmas–Enjoy them and don’t stress out about it.  I hope those that created your Christmas Book at the Super Saturday will remember to use it and enjoy the music and stories that are in it.

Have a great week.  As always just call if you need anything–or email, or text!

Love, Cheryl

Thanksgiving Craft Ideas

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I thought I’d round up a few Thanksgiving craft ideas to share with you. It’s always fun to gather the family together and partake in some activities before the big feast.


Pilgrim Popcorn
Gratitude Turkey Treat Jar
I’m Thankful For Mugs
Kids Thanksgiving Printable Placemat
Pumpkin Pie Spinner Craft
DIY Pilgrim Hats
Family Memory Banner


Bring Souls Unto Him

This past General Conference that took place in October was fantastic! We’re so excited to learn from our General Authorities’ inspired words once again in our monthly conference talk-Relief Society lessons

Our Stake and ward is focusing heavily on missionary & temple work this year. This quote from President Monson’s talk expresses it beautifully:
